Further information in the following link: http://www.consmupa.es/index.php/cursos-y-conferencias/551-jornadas-de-puertas-abiertas
10th, April, 2019. Open Days in CONSMUPA
Conservatorio Superior de Música del Principado de Asturias
Next 10th, April, 2019, the Professor Antonio Cánovas will receive to all those students who want to know the CONSMUPA, within the open doors days organiced by the Conservatory. It is necessary fill in this document: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXbfDTsZxUK-NcVDSro5xKEGZ2R4lBhfWOjUkZDmjI_9Jy0g/viewform