Information - Antonio Cánovas

Saxtime in the Spanish Music Festival in León

June, 18th, 19th and 20th, 2011 in León and province (Spain).
"Saxtime" saxophone quartet will offer three concerts in the XXIV edition of the Spanish Music Festival in León. Places where the concerts will be held: 
June 18th, in Mansilla de las Mulas (Ethnographic Provincial Museum) 20:30h.
June 19th, in Valencia de Don Juan (House of the Culture) 20:30h.
June 20th, in León (Auditorium, Main Hall). 21:00h

It will offer a repertoire entirely composed of works by Spanish composers, which highlights the premiere of "DOL" by Sebastian Mariné, work commissioned by the Festival and dedicated to Saxtime saxophone quartet, and the premiere of the revised version (2011) of "Paisaje Biográfico" by José María García Laborda.

For more information:
Saxtime in the Spanish Music Festival in León

