Information - Antonio Cánovas

7th & 8th, June, 2012. Symphonic Dances, Op.45 by S. Rachmaninov

Antonio Cánovas will play with OSPA
Antonio Cánovas will perform Symphonic Dances, by S. Rachmaninov, with the Symphonic Orchestra of Principality of Asturias (OSPA), next 7th, June, 2012 in Jovellanos Theatre in Gijón at 20:00 hours, and 8th, June, 2012, in Auditorium "Príncipe Felipe" in Oviedo at 20:00 hours. 

The concerts will be conduct by Perry So.

Further information:

7th & 8th, June, 2012. Symphonic Dances, Op.45 by S. Rachmaninov